Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just work.. hoping some comes in, yesterday was totally dead.. those days just drag on. Waiting for the landlords electrician to come and replace 7 light fixtures that dies in a power outage last week..
I hate doing nothing but dt a heck of hurry up and wait a few hours.
Work for yourself?
yup.. and i don't mind slow sometimes, the worst is when i get slammed then it dies off for a few days and it just feels like the world is ending :) after decades you would think i would be used to it
Wensdays whoppers, cheers this morning

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-12°. Not a bad start today. Maybe firebird today. Got signals working on the gmc, next round headlights and running lights.
I once knew a girl with a sea shell tattooed on her inside thigh. When you put your ear up to the sea shell you could smell the ocean!
I'm glad I'm done working out in Glacier, driven 600 miles in two days swapping out a router and painfully waiting for networks to configure it properly.
Morning guys quiet in here this morning. Just stopping in for a cup or two of gogo coffee and then hit the road.
Looks like a drive through the rain for a few hours today. Cheryl said she could drive for a while...haha that's never happened.
I do the driving and she's the navigator that's how it works!!
Nice!!! I have to drive AND navigate. So I do a map recon three or four times before leaving and then toss in the GPS as a backup. Should have seen the look on my wife’s face when in May last year we made it to Panama City, via back roads, without me turning the GPS on once.