Stop in for a cup of coffee

Been a hell of a day here I'll try and keep it simple. My 21 year old just had his last court date after a year and a half of the court putting it off. He is a good kid just made a mistake when he was 18.
Long story short he was sentenced to 5 years in jail at the minimum of 18 months.
Built the old truck for him to make some money as a concession stand. Looks like it will be up for sale here real soon because I can't do it without him.
Can't afford all the licences fees now and just don't want to do it without my son.
Sorry guys just venting.

Welll.... crap....
Been a hell of a day here I'll try and keep it simple. My 21 year old just had his last court date after a year and a half of the court putting it off. He is a good kid just made a mistake when he was 18.
Long story short he was sentenced to 5 years in jail at the minimum of 18 months.
Built the old truck for him to make some money as a concession stand. Looks like it will be up for sale here real soon because I can't do it without him.
Can't afford all the licences fees now and just don't want to do it without my son.
Sorry guys just venting.
Man Fred that just sucks. He may end up benefiting from the overcrowding scenario in the system. Just be positive and strong for him.
For sure Ray still got to discipline them weather they listen or not.
My take has always been you try to guide them down The right path. Once they walk out the door they are under an entirely different set of influences. You just hope that what youve taught them sticks.
That being said, some of us just have to learn by our mistakes.
What's up Wolfie?

Been trying to find a machine shop that'll even talk to me about the engine. No luck so far
I finally found one local to me and he’s a Mopar guy… so much so his daughter wanted a Camaro so he got her a 71 and stuffed a 440 in it haha
Broad Street Bullies? ( Flyers)
My great granddaughter has more fight in her then that team. Lol

Seems my sciatia us getting worse. Tried to sleep. Nope. Nothing is taking the edge off. Nothing at all.
Seems my sciatia us getting worse. Tried to sleep. Nope. Nothing is taking the edge off. Nothing at all.
Dang, I hoped you were on the other side of that. From what I have been through, sciatica comes from a pinched nerve in your lower back. My Chiro. Kept adjusting until mine healed and the pain and agony went away. It has been years since a flare up.
Dang, I hoped you were on the other side of that. From what I have been through, sciatica comes from a pinched nerve in your lower back. My Chiro. Kept adjusting until mine healed and the pain and agony went away. It has been years since a flare up.
My Chrio wears black leather and uses a whip.
You forget all about the Sciatica after a session with her.
Can see the fire in her eyes. Great picture Ray hang on to that one.
Thanks Fred. Yep she has a non stop personality .
I gave her father a baseball bat the other year he told me. I dont play baseball, so i had to explaine why he would need it in the future.
My last 5 grand kids 2 years ago I think. Hard to keep up. Tried to get a picture holding them all but kept dropping them so this picture works just fine. lol