Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well it is Sunday, I am quitting early. My Dad came out and we visited all morning long! When he does that I lose hours of productivity, then I think to myself how many guys wold give anything for their Father to swing by and shoot the breeze for a couple of hours as so many of them are now gone. Mine will be gone in the near future so I want to enjoy every minute with him. I don’t care how much time it takes. His wife called when he got home apparently one of his lens fell out of his glasses on the drive home and he did not notice. He is going in for cataract surgery both eyes next week so I told him no point in scrambling to get a new set of glasses just wait till post surgery as he will need new scrip then any way. I got all the gates locked and toddy in hand. Great day today
Back home from a fun visit. Here's some picks of a 'new' toy my son's FIL got. Not old - approx 2015. Alex took me for a ride. LOL





Ok that’s just plain cool, but shouldn’t there be a mount for the belt fed on the side car? Asking for a friend! Hah! Great looking rig!
Oh... Alex and his FIL are both big time into guns. Dave does safety training classes(both guns and bikes) has taught Alex to reload, etc. There have already been discussions. LOL
ya, its hot here.
Did a little fiddling in the quonset, making room to knock studebaker apart. Then i can finish welding cab mounts and clean frame. Replace brake lines too.
Supposed to get near the 90° mark this week. Not looking forward to it.
Time to go put stuff back inside and close the doors. And a dump run