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Ours dous have a hazmat materials drop. Never took any though. Probably have some that should go. I have taken electronics in, but I don't think they go to the same site. Has changed a few times over the years.
In Maryland, they had days set up where 3rd parties came in and took hazmat and electronics. Haven't seen that here
This one landed in Kansas.
Kind of off topic but looks like Gettysburg is ramping up for reenactors here again. Wonder if it will be blue on blue?
We landed once and some crew chief did not close the valve all the way on the poop tank, man that was a big ball of icy crap on the side of the plane. No wonder the pilots were asking me why they had to keep adjusting trim. Seriously!
have a friend that did Revolutunary ones as a british soldier. Man he got into it. Not cheap to get the stuff either.
I cant even imagine a wool uniform in July at Gettysburg. So the guys laying down are heat exhausted?
The ones here don't... I get the inquisition when I bring oil "There's no antifreeze in here right??!!"
They don’t want antifreeze mixed with the oil. There’s laws against it for one and for two it can cause steam explosions in the furnace’s they run
In Maryland, they had days set up where 3rd parties came in and took hazmat and electronics. Haven't seen that here
They usually do it around Arbor Day in the spring. Connact your local landfill I bet they do it, they get fed monies to donit