Stop in for a cup of coffee

Really. Surprised at that. Here they do for sure. Hav a county place that takes it?
Some one has to take it. I would not go 55 gallons then they will think your a shop that pays to have it taken.
Really. Surprised at that. Here they do for sure. Hav a county place that takes it?
I think the county will take it here. No parst stores that I know of. I used most of what I drained from the Duster to top off the Neons when they were low. :lol:
No... county does metals and cardboard. No chemicals or petroleum products
Ours dous have a hazmat materials drop. Never took any though. Probably have some that should go. I have taken electronics in, but I don't think they go to the same site. Has changed a few times over the years.
Auto zone here took it last time I had a few. We have a anual clean up day also the township will take any sort of chemical and stuff. Kind of nice also. Had some mystery jugs that came with the house, no idea what it was but smelled toxic. Took it no problem. Was just last month actually.