Stop in for a cup of coffee

I am soo tired... 7 and a half hours today sanding and prepping.. then wipring down, finding **** to fix.. sanding more.. prepping more.. a few times. worth it though.. got a couple of spots to fix but pretty happy. I'm supposed to shoot my red over dark gray.. but i'm planning on 2 coats so i hope it will be ok.. i don't have any tint to make the light into dark..
I am soo tired... 7 and a half hours today sanding and prepping.. then wipring down, finding **** to fix.. sanding more.. prepping more.. a few times. worth it though.. got a couple of spots to fix but pretty happy. I'm supposed to shoot my red over dark gray.. but i'm planning on 2 coats so i hope it will be ok.. i don't have any tint to make the light into dark..
View attachment 1716110423
Hey looks good!
Well, I don't think Sheetz thought that one through... Had to run to the store right by there just now. They must have run out of gas! -Pumps are all flagged out with caution tape. Plus the entrance closest to the intersection was flagged off. Thinking cops made them shut that one cause it was tying up traffic earlier.
As someone had as their speedtalk forum signature.
"A shop is a place you wash your hands before you pee"

also goes for working outdoors in an area with poison ivy.
Co-worker had mentioned selling me one of these that was his Moms, that was 2 months ago, I asked him about it a few weeks ago. He's pretty busy with his remodel so bit the bullet and got this, Chinese, hope it lasts lol! They sell a 37 ton but I think this one will do the trick for what sized rounds I have on my property.

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Co-worker had mentioned selling me one of these that was his Moms, that was 2 months ago, I asked him about it a few weeks ago. He's pretty busy with his remodel so bit the bullet and got this, Chinese, hope it lasts lol! They sell a 37 ton but I think this one will do the trick for what sized rounds I have on my property.

View attachment 1716110462
Nice !!:thumbsup:
Co-worker had mentioned selling me one of these that was his Moms, that was 2 months ago, I asked him about it a few weeks ago. He's pretty busy with his remodel so bit the bullet and got this, Chinese, hope it lasts lol! They sell a 37 ton but I think this one will do the trick for what sized rounds I have on my property.

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Looking at the cylinder diameter that ain’t no toy!
Too bad the the Iowa class never got to fight the Bismarck Class gun to gun. Would have been a HELL of a fight. Bismarcks guns were slightly more accurate and packed higher velocity than the Iowa class but the Iowas could put more rounds on target in less time. Plus they had 9, 16 inch guns versus Bismarcks 8, 15 inch, long barreled guns. Armor wise, slight edge to the Bismarck, 12.5 inches versus 11 inches of the WW2 configurations of the Iowas, further armor added post WW2.however the steel of Germanys Bismarck was slightly better grade than any ally armor at the time and the low, wider platform made her a harder target to hit.

Fear factor: goes to the Bismarck as it literally scared the British so badly they sortied an entire fleet to find it. And then, it was 80+ against 1 and took HOURS to silence Bismarcks guns, and they didn’t could sink her. Germans scuttled it.

I think it’d been a historic battle and probably would have gone to the Iowa class just cause they could put those extra rounds on target. But man it would be close
There is was a museum about half a city block from my building you visited. Grand Army Of The Republic.
Last I saw the property was for sale. Tons of artifacts in there.
Sign on the 3rd floor that was storage. closed to the public. Was a sign n -----s. sign up to fight and earn your freedom. I should have taken a picture. John WIlkes Booths handcuffs the caretaker put them on me. Kind of wierd. Funny when I slipped out of them though. He thought I broke them.
They also had a pillow case from Lincoln's Deathbed.
Did Booths actually act alone?
So we are watching Grown Ups, the Adam Sandler movie. Which is about a team of guys mourning their youth basketball coach. But just found out one of my own coaches died today. Granted he wasn’t that involved by the time I started, but still feels odd to be watching this