Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well storm almost past us. We weathered it no problem...
Yay! Hearing down town San Diego is being flooded… with Rattlesnakes being fully washed into the streets from the hills
It was a good show. Hope its not the same 7 or 8 songs, want to watch again.
Tomorrow going to see a big ice cube-lol. Like an 7 hour tour. Dont think we can smoke on the small tour boat-someone is gonna be grumpy. The 2 Kims will be chain smoking any chance they get.
Hiked the Lions Head trail overlooking the Matanuska Glacier. 1000ft overlook. Absolutely amazing





Mornin y'all.
Nice scenery and car pics today.
Fk Vancouver. I've family out there that don't like me. Lol.
Hope they get wet.
Morning Mopar fans. Another hot day here predicted high of 105. My double hitter softball game was cancelled due to the heat.
I have a couple appointments early this morning. After that we're going to hit the gym and then go home and sort through a couple closets.
Hey needs to be done we both have a lot of clothes we'll now never wear again just taking up space.
Have a great day!!
It’s warm here today as well but nothing compared to the rest of you plus it looks like it will be cooler here tomorrow so I won’t complain
Sooo....Betty after doing a little back reading a question for you. Why with the cool chevy's did you pick a DART! For darting about?