Stop in for a cup of coffee

Easy on the blood pressure. Ya, ticks me off too. We live on a corner with a stop sign. (never again) THere are low lifes that roll down their window and chuck their fast food trash out on the yard. People walking their dogs and not picking up their **** ticks me off as well. Drive through it with the lawn mower and smell it for an hour! :mob: :mob:
You need one of these. Just paint over city of Philadelphia ,and add photo inforced smile for the Camara.

Eddie used O E pushrods when we built his 340... They made them and shipped in less than a week and the custom ones were lower cost than some places sold pre-made ones..

Home - OE Push Rods - Manufacturer & Distributor
Yeah and he's only like 10 miles from me.. i emailed on sunday and hadn't heard back. and called this morning and no answer... called smith brothers. 2 week wait but they will show up. that OE is like 1/2 the price if they are decent though
That is the problem these days. You try to get stuff from companies and they won't even return your calls. I guess they have enough money.......................
Home and in the AC. I went and took a golf lesson from our friend who is an hour away. He's a golf pro charges $250 an hour and is booked solid for two or three months out. We've known him and his wife for years socialize with them so get the family discount lesson price. Cheryl had the lesson and couldn't go so I was sent. I thought ok only an hour lesson there at 11 only 95 with a breeze no problem. Well no breeze and the feel like was 115. Thank goodness it was only an hour. On a side note, I hadn't seen him in quite a while. Just like on tv a couple small tweaks and was pounding the golf ball. I got back to the car and was soaked. Nothing worse than driving an hour with the AC in wet clothes...yuck!! I'm showered feed and doing nothing for the rest of the day...or at least that's my plan.
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Home and in the AC. I went and took a golf lesson from our friend who is an hour away. He's a golf pro charges $250 an hour and is booked solid for two or three months out. We've known him and his wife for years socialize with them so get the family discount lesson price. Cheryl had the lesson and couldn't go so I was sent. I thought ok only an hour there at 11 only 95 with a breeze no problem. Well no breeze and the feel like was 115. Thank goodness it was only an hour. I got back to the car and was soaked. Nothing worse than driving an hour with the AC in wet clothes...yuck!! I'm showered feed and doing nothing for the rest of the day...or at least that's my plan.
Cheers to that.
Home and in the AC. I went and took a golf lesson from our friend who is an hour away. He's a golf pro charges $250 an hour and is booked solid for two or three months out. We've known him and his wife for years socialize with them so get the family discount lesson price. Cheryl had the lesson and couldn't go so I was sent. I thought ok only an hour there at 11 only 95 with a breeze no problem. Well no breeze and the feel like was 115. Thank goodness it was only an hour. I got back to the car and was soaked. Nothing worse than driving an hour with the AC in wet clothes...yuck!! I'm showered feed and doing nothing for the rest of the day...or at least that's my plan.
Nice and cool here Craig not rubbing it in. Well maybe just a bit. :poke:
We discuss all kinds of things on this thread and I thought this was pretty cool. I have been subscribed to his channel for years. Very intelligent individual and I always search his channel and watch reviews for any new electronic purchase I am looking at.

We discuss all kinds of things on this thread and I thought this was pretty cool. I have been subscribed to his channel for years. Very intelligent individual and I always search his channel and watch reviews for any new electronic purchase I am looking at.

That's cool and one of my favorite hounds.