Stop in for a cup of coffee

Some nice exercise equipment you folks have. Stupid me bought a king-size bed with a nice firm mattress. :rolleyes::lol:
GOOOOOOOD Mornin' C\_/ Who needs an extra cup? C\_/

You're luckier than some of us. After no going to a doc for more than 3 years, and hoping around a bit, I finally found a good general practitioner. At my second visit I was overheard grumbling to my wife about the wait/delay when other patients reminded me how thorough and attentive his examinations were. I had expected that at initial visit but no clue about repeating visits. One of the ladies behind the counter chimed in with, "He is forever running behind. Get comfortable with the wait".
I had appointment scheduled for mid-Jan. 2020? 2021?, I forget. That is when I learned Dr. Gaddy had passed away. I was never told, covid or what? He did have some age on him. Don't recall did I ask. Just felt remorse and devastated.
They switched me to a very young female that was good enough until wife and I realized from a couple of her comments that all she really knew is what she had read in books. I changed doctors again. This older, more experienced male scores a B to Dr. Gaddys A+.
I actually have a great GP well except he is an old mustang
I actually referred him to another member who posts here at times. He seems happy with him.
I have my nephew, and nice over today and tomorrow pulling boxes and such out for a yard sale hopefully by next Saturday.
Everything from ceramic musical dolls to wagon wheels. I will post some pics later in case any of you folks see anything
Just got done riding up and down my road on the ATV and picking up trash from ******* scum bags. I do it about once a month.

You can probably tell it makes my blood boil

:BangHead: :elmer: :wtf:
Just got done riding up and down my road on the ATV and picking up trash from ******* scum bags. I do it about once a month.

You can probably tell it makes my blood boil

:BangHead: :elmer: :wtf:
Easy on the blood pressure. Ya, ticks me off too. We live on a corner with a stop sign. (never again) THere are low lifes that roll down their window and chuck their fast food trash out on the yard. People walking their dogs and not picking up their **** ticks me off as well. Drive through it with the lawn mower and smell it for an hour! :mob: :mob:
Morning, 100 deg here today thinking good day to stay inside. Won't happen cause the dogs don't care and will want to go out.
Easy on the blood pressure. Ya, ticks me off too. We live on a corner with a stop sign. (never again) THere are low lifes that roll down their window and chuck their fast food trash out on the yard. People walking their dogs and not picking up their **** ticks me off as well. Drive through it with the lawn mower and smell it for an hour! :mob: :mob:
We live at the end of a privet road; kids like to try and sneak behind my garage and drink Beer. They like to leave their trash behind. Put a bell out there that goes off when someone comes up here, pretty much stopped that.
Easy on the blood pressure. Ya, ticks me off too. We live on a corner with a stop sign. (never again) THere are low lifes that roll down their window and chuck their fast food trash out on the yard. People walking their dogs and not picking up their **** ticks me off as well. Drive through it with the lawn mower and smell it for an hour! :mob: :mob:
Sprinkle some bacon grease on those dog turds and the next dog that comes along will clean them off you lawn. :thumbsup: