Stop in for a cup of coffee


Soo I have been lookiing to buy a rivet squeezer set ONCE and be done with it. Tommy at Parts hound has been using them for years on restorations. I almost bought the wrong one that would do just AL rivets and will not handle steel solid ones. Glad I know people into the high end restorations. Still was N of 300! But needed one for a while especially now doing the older pre 50 stuff.


Now the fun begins finding the matching Rivets I need material, head shape size etc. Have a few sources just takes time.
Our Birthday is a special day, of course she made you celebrate it! I like her already! If I only had a dollar for every student of mine that gives me crayons. Truly I kind of like it as I know it is all in brotherhood and no malice. But then I get a jake leg guy that never served. Then it just pisses me off.
Lol the funny thing is the crazy amount of money the company spends on it
I used to live in MN. The lakes really are like in the movie grumpy old men in the winter. They even put up traffic signs, so many people are out on the ice.
I used to live in MN. The lakes really are like in the movie grumpy old men in the winter. They even put up traffic signs, so many people are out on the ice.
Never tried that. Have no idea if it will be fun or not. Do like going in MD with Mitches buddy. Pics from last time. Keith was a catching master! Wonder if we can get one together this fall.



