Stop in for a cup of coffee

Looks like mother nature not screwing around

Definitely a strong coffee morning. No good sleep last night.................
Same here, crashed at 9pm, woke At 1am tried sleep for an hour and no go, Z pack has me juiced up I am on for covid.. afraid to have my first cup, was hopping a little time on here might help.
Good morning to you Max

Same here, crashed at 9pm, woke At 1am tried sleep for an hour and no go, Z pack has me juiced up I am on for covid.. afraid to have my first cup, was hopping a little time on here might help.
Good morning to you Max

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Morning Mike, hope you shake it quickly and feel better...............
80's again later here today...............not sure if I am going to cut the grass. Chance of rain tonight and the next several days.
Those would be good, shipping is probably at least $20 I would think. I haven't been shooting for a while.
Get well Mike. How's the wife handling it?
She has recovered, I cook for us as usual, as she takes on packing lamp and mid-century sales, I managed to weld a repair on a small table she sold Monday, laundry yesterday and cooked up a big batch of potato soap and cabbage soup.