Stop in for a cup of coffee

Goat's milk was always my highlight of going to the LA County Fair at Pomona. There was a concession stand there that sold it. Other kids eatin' ice cream and popcorn and such and I go for the goat's milk :lol:
If I could figure out the logistics of freezing it, I’d sell it at the fair. But homemade ice cream is finicky
Jesus.. tsunami coming down suddenly here... this weather has been weird all summer...
Tsunami? In Michigan?
yeah.. just insane rain.. this year i have seen more wind(higher speeds) and rain than i ever recall... and this storm came in like 15 mins and is gone got so dark out it looked like 10pm then just sheets of rain for a bit

Looks like it's heading south into ohio.... let them deal with it :)
Well I'm off to Glacier and no not the real one like Eric lol. Found a leaking propane tank feeding the generator, which also has a dead battery (crazy cause gen was load tested in July and batt was good with 1 year left). Anyhoo, propane company said they couldn't get out there for 3 days and others have "caught wind" of the leak pun intended, so repair is stepped up to today. I'm hoping they don't have to purge the tank.
Im looking at glaciers today too.