Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all, going to be a long day. My sweetie is going in for knee replacement today. Hope she has a good recovery, next few months will tell
I know some of you guys like these and stepsides are great.. comes with a 383
It was one of the worst things i have ever seen..... crazy people and morons yelling at microphones cause they don't realize you don't have to yell at them... it was very odd...
My guess is they likely didn’t even answer the questions asked
My guess is they likely didn’t even answer the questions asked
Actually Haley did decently, called out the 25% increase to our deficit under the last administration and how bad everything was run. The rest of them basically yelled at each other or called each other names... It's pretty much what i expect from them..
I stay with dumbells and kettlebell... takes up less space and I like the core engagement of unilateral work
Are you happy with the dumbell set you have?? I've seen them before not sure who makes them. A space saver for sure.
Off to work, it's my Friday, woo hoo! Have a Great Day All!
No silly its Thong Thursday!

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So looks like the rivet squeezer came yesterday. Have to use it a bit to get comfortable with it before using it on $$ parts. Never used one before. Kind of a cool tool to have. Anything that is riveted say like air box doors etc I can do. I think.
