Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well on day 5 or 6 and starting to get back on my feet this morning, I see Wolfie is feeling better, and very happy to see it sir. Happy picture for you.

Monkeys throwing poop at each other.

Hard pass

How's the transmission coming along?
It's not... i'm trying to find a junk 727 to steal the inputshaft/front drum from so i can use a 24 spline converter... everything local is priced high so i'm just watching.. not in a giant rush right now :)
Yep, and keep hand alcohol cleaner in our automobiles, D and B along with a multy Vitamin and a greens powder drink stays on my regiment
Speaking of body and muscle the place I go to has a InBody analysis machine. The results give a picture of your body health very interesting. I found it helpful and showed I was doing all the right stuff. The test result categories are:

Body Compensation analysis
-Total water body
-Dry lean mass
-body fat mass

Muscle-Fat analysis
-skeletal muscle mass
-body fat mass

Obesity analysis
-Body mass index
-Percent body fat

Segmental Lean analysis
-left arm vs right arm
-left leg vs right leg
-trunk (body core)
Speaking of body and muscle the place I go to has a InBody analysis machine. The results give a picture of your body health very interesting. I found it helpful and showed I was doing all the right stuff. The test result categories are:

Body Compensation analysis
-Total water body
-Dry lean mass
-body fat mass

Muscle-Fat analysis
-skeletal muscle mass
-body fat mass

Obesity analysis
-Body mass index
-Percent body fat

Segmental Lean analysis
-left arm vs right arm
-left leg vs right leg
-trunk (body core)
So great it shows body fat mass, if it doesn't show body fat *** I'm out, not for me lol!
So great it shows body fat mass, if it doesn't show body fat *** I'm out, not for me lol!
The skeletal muscle mass was one I had to look up. It isn't your skeletal bones, but all the muscles attached to your bones. Men on the average are in the 30% range depending on age. Unless you work out you begin to lose muscle mass at around age 40. Mine is 48% meaning almost have my body weight is muscle a plus as I age. On the other hand, I'd probably be 20 pounds or more lighter in the normal range. I'll take the muscle. :thumbsup: