Stop in for a cup of coffee

.maybe add these .



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I need to get an antenna back up on the roof. Had that at the Pennsylvania house. Loved all the ME, GRIT etc.... TV programming
I live in the past. the present isnt exactly a day at the Beach , and the future well I will just stop here.
Talk about dick moves! Chris you are the king of dick moves! No poke and laugh on that one!

It don't even get THAT hot in Viet Nam....Highest I've seen is 95, But yes, it can be humid sometimes. My City is on the Mekong Delta, so there's usually a nice breeze...Only 82 or so here today. Spent the day cleaning up my more than filthy Cadillac . Picking up the little lady tomorrow morning at 7am. Installed a Bidet hose option on the toilet in the master bedroom today also. She'll love that !! Ohhh, Also stopped and bought a dozen Red Roses....Y'all might not see me much tomorrow... KKKKKKKKKK
You just enjoy your time with your beautiful bride. We will be here causing trouble as usual. She’s more important.
I live in the past. the present isnt exactly a day at the Beach , and the future well I will just stop here.

Not to go all "Get off my lawn" ... but from an "entertainment" perspective, there's not much good currently getting puked out...

Figure my last go-round was near 1890...

Ever read the Casca series?
I wanted something different tonight so opted for this. It’s aged in bourbon barrels. Not too bad. I can definitely taste the hints of bourbon. But it definitely would never could never replace bourbon

Don't watch TV Maybe 3 times a week I'll put on a movie or look at Youtube.
Local news here and the list of police and fire shows on the major networks. I tune into Gold Rush and Moonshiners every now and then on Discovery.
I watch zero TV, and no plan on ever watching it again. Streaming movies or YouTube for me. I will leave it at that and not get deeper into the weeds................

This seems appropriate again and aimed toward me............... :lol:
