Stop in for a cup of coffee


Flathead... 3 on the tree


The Wild Turkey is good but too hot. I have a homebrew Raspberry Wheat beer in the frig. That might be better.
The Wild Turkey is good but too hot. I have a homebrew Raspberry Wheat beer in the frig. That might be better.
Well that was a suprised. I had marked the bottle as a Raspberry wheat but it is a stout. No worries. It is still good. It's at least a year old.

It don't even get THAT hot in Viet Nam....Highest I've seen is 95, But yes, it can be humid sometimes. My City is on the Mekong Delta, so there's usually a nice breeze...Only 82 or so here today. Spent the day cleaning up my more than filthy Cadillac . Picking up the little lady tomorrow morning at 7am. Installed a Bidet hose option on the toilet in the master bedroom today also. She'll love that !! Ohhh, Also stopped and bought a dozen Red Roses....Y'all might not see me much tomorrow... KKKKKKKKKK
That’s what the red X for

have or express a different opinion.
"no one was willing to disagree with him"

dislike; 3rd person present: dislikes; past tense: disliked; past participle: disliked; gerund or present participle: disliking
feel distaste for or hostility toward.
"he was not distressed by the death of a man he had always disliked"