Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's haircut night, seems like a waste of money, but all six hairs appreciate the attention.
Have follow-up with the Urologist Tomorrow.
Should be a good visit. My Psa numbers don't even register anymore so there's that.
Yea I got lots of hair that needs to be cut and should just put it in a pony tail it's cheaper. lol
Burgers, fresh sweet corn and fresh muskmelon. I had better get busy!
Burger is thawing, the corn is shucked, and the melon is cleaned and half is cut up. It's time to get the garbage bagged up. They roll through here at 6 am. Ted and I are planning a run to Prairie Du Chien tomorrow for a Starlight pick at Starks. And then a stop off at Textile Brewing for a few and some lunch.

The opportunity to enjoy something will have a break point... the cool 3-pedal, 4 speed classic is great until your legs don't work...or your back can't handle the launch of a big block.

Father Time always wins.
Also. I’ve got my dart set up in preparation for that.
Still some work stuff to do but it's after 5 so a cocktail is reasonable, right?
I’m ready. I have a few errands to run and then it will be drink time. I have off tomorrow. I’m supposed to go to a car show this weekend. It all depends if the family members get better
Still some work stuff to do but it's after 5 so a cocktail is reasonable, right?
I can get a little work done while enjoying a cocktail. I might sip on some Wild Turkey 101 to start. I might switch to vodka tonic.
I’m ready. I have a few errands to run and then it will be drink time. I have off tomorrow. I’m supposed to go to a car show this weekend. It all depends if the family members get better
Hope they get feeling better hate to see you miss out on a car show.
Been slacking on my yard work. Pool area and the dumpster is full already


Boring *** day.. 11 hours 1 call... august is always crap.. at least it's over :) A friend came up for lunch which was nice.. home now in my under-roos.. time for weed and drums.. and dinner :)