Stop in for a cup of coffee

Uhmmm.... OK

Good morning everyone. It’s 67 here and the windows have been open. It’s lightly raining now. I get to pretend I’m like the rest of you and retired today. :lol:
Good morning everyone. It’s 67 here and the windows have been open. It’s lightly raining now. I get to pretend I’m like the rest of you and retired today. :lol:
Enjoy your day off. Anything special planned or just a day away??
Enjoy your day off. Anything special planned or just a day away??
I’m supposed to go to a car show this weekend in Macungie but it’s raining right now so it might be a late start. I have to see if the troops are better also
I still do 70 hours a week... i will never retire.. seems boring :)
I thought so too but busier retired than I ever was working.
How did I ever get it all done?? Oh wait now I can say there's always tomorrow and retired there is. :thumbsup:
I am happy for all who are blessed enough to retire early in life. a divorce late in life left me with no choice.
Been on and off pouring buckets here the last few hours.
Doctors appointment near Mattax neighborhood today not looking forward to that ride, at least I'm not the driver.
I got to the chiropractor this morning for a dry needle treatment. It's almost like instant relief.
I strained an upper hip muscle doing wall ball squats with a 50-pound kettle ball and then hitting golf balls for an hour and a half. :BangHead:
Need to get it done before we go sitting on a plane for three hours tomorrow.
I got to the chiropractor this morning for a dry needle treatment. It's almost like instant relief.
I strained an upper hip muscle doing wall ball squats with a 50-pound kettle ball and then hitting golf balls for an hour and a half. :BangHead:
Need to get it done before we go sitting on a plane for three hours tomorrow.
One of the worst self inflicted injuires I ever had happened on a squat machine, couldn't walk for several days and I was on a ship : ( Good luck with your treatment, a plane ride would suck if you have that going on!
Morning folks. I hear thunder grumbling. Rain coming. We could sure use it.