Stop in for a cup of coffee

Vista is doing there annual rod run soon. I'll take the 66. It is mostly a Chevy mustang show
Can't tell you about the farm raised shrimp from Vietnam. The city I live in is right on the Mekong Delta. We get the shrimp right from the water. I've never been sick from it. And they are Huge !!!
After being sick after eating seafood for the 3rd time im not taking any more chances. There is lots of seafood on this cruise too.
And Goodmorning!
59 degrees,a little wind. Clear but lots of smoke,so its very hazy. Full day sailing, so napping and eating is on the agenda. Maybe watch a movie or two, some youtube videos if they load.
I'm about to buy a new "programable/digital" unit. I'm hoping for the best.

I'm selling the older units for 200 each.
Search Speedtalk for the digital programable ones. IIRC those brought far more negative posts about problems than what I ever saw for older analogs.
Good morning everyone. Last full day in Alaska. Hard to believe it is over already. Cool and windy, looks like it could rain anytime. Have to pack up the fish we are bringing home. Some odds and ends errands.

They don’t build them this solid anymore
So this is what I’m dealing with at my house. My youngest contracted hand foot and mouth last week and has passed it onto the other the other members in the house. Apparently adults can contract it also. I am the last man standing around here.
When you went to Philly?