Stop in for a cup of coffee

Really? We did them all the way up through 3rd grade. Even after the wall fell. I remember our principal telling us that even though the Soviet Union had fell, it was still possible for them to nuke us.

I was in Berlin when the Wall fell and I lived in Russia for a time shortly thereafter. The complete shitshow that was the CCCP is amazing.

The threat was low... except for some accidental f-,up
In the early/mid eighties we played war games with the Russians, they'd fly their "Bear" overhead or near the Carrier, we'd watch their trawlers sort through our trash. Remember once one of their small boys was running alongside of us, I was watching our R2D2 turret scan their ship, 50mm rounds I think and a lot of them fast.
I was in Berlin when the Wall fell and I lived in Russia for a time shortly thereafter. The complete shitshow that was the CCCP is amazing.

The threat was low... except for some accidental f-,up
I’m sure it was.

Sad part is… are we truly better off today?
So just thinking about it:

Last generation to do duck and covers
Last generation to have no game system
Last generation to not have AC in every class room in school
Last generation to have to use a card catalog
Last generation to have to hand write school reports
Last generation to have no remotes on their TVs

My generation is last in everything haha

The Minutemen crews have a real nice view of the beach here :D
Odd thing about Vandenberg SFB AMTRAK and UP Railway go right through the base from one end to the other. I seen things from the train I never seen while working out there. :lol:
Remember not having hot lunch at school and we had to bring our own brown bag. Lucky to get 1 slice of bread and peanut butter on it many times. My clothes I had was 2 pair of everything 1 for work and play and 1 set for school for the year and only washed on the weekend. I had know idea we were poor for a long time in my youth but got me a job at 12 after school to help my dad pay for what we needed.
Glad I grew up that way and have no bad feelings about being poor.
I was walking distance from school, had to walk home for lunch.rain or snow. Right up to grade 9. Never really had money,so occasionally i would get money to have lunch at the mall. Both mom and dad worked for the city, but there was a few of us kids. And dad was a heavy drinker. I decided to not raise my kids that way.
I was walking distance from school, had to walk home for lunch.rain or snow. Right up to grade 9. Never really had money,so occasionally i would get money to have lunch at the mall. Both mom and dad worked for the city, but there was a few of us kids. And dad was a heavy drinker. I decided to not raise my kids that way.

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain."

John Adams

Does our desire to better our children result in our weakening their abilities?
"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain."

John Adams

Does our desire to better our children result in our weakening their abilities?
Well this didn't go as planned. Damn, and I was hungry!

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Think there is a 3 second rule on picking things up off the floor and still being able to eat them with no side affects. but new studies show that with inflation on the rise you can still eat that if you get it it off the floor in 10 seconds and drink plenty of beer with it and still be safe. :thumbsup: