Stop in for a cup of coffee

Youngest grand daughter as I was cooking steaks yelled at me PAPA! I gotta go pee! Looked over and this is a lucky shot I'll hang on to this picture and give it back to her when she is older.

View attachment 1716136611Grand kids are the best.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: kids that age always bring a big smile to this old face
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If I had photoshop I'd put a black line through the Sept 10th. El Mirage got too wet to race. Damm "dry" lakes :BangHead: :lol:
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Morning to ya!! Up early packing getting ready to head home travel day is always a long day.
We should pull into the driveway tonight about 6pm CST.
Have a great day!!
Another hot one on the horizon. Have to clean up the roaster and return it.
Hurting today, lots of steps yesterday. A record day for the year so far.
Good morning everyone. Been working on the outside stuff. Got hot yesterday, will be near 100 today. On the deck with coffee while it is still nice out. Plan to disturb the neighbors in a little be to test the Demon while cool out.
@halifaxhops .
Did you see the new proposal to discontinue PA. Safety Inspections?
Just emissions. Safety only when you transfer a title.
This Morons reasoning is all the dangerous cars where taken off the road during the Cash for Clunkers Program.
I just fired up the smoker. The brisket will go on soon. It smells good outside. Like hickory!


Going to stab this engine back in the John Deere today and see how it runs. Tenant needs to cut the grass. Lol. Kkkkkkkk
Good morning gentlemen.
Looks like some Of you had a great day yesterday with your gatherings. The food looked great. The picture of the grandkid was adorable Fred.
Not much going on here today. Getting ready for a bike ride before it gets too hot here.