Stop in for a cup of coffee

Another weather related emergency other than Hurricane Whatsername, this one in Nevada

Burning Man Festival, 73,000 participants ordered to "shelter in place and conserve food and water". They were trapped by rainfall on their dry lake festival site.
So as I was cooking tonight using the last pick of jalapeños, they were smoking, like haz mat hot! Our road runner crashed the party. Not sure where he lives but he has been hanging around. I took my belt off the other day as I was soaked thru and thru. Tossed it on a church pew we have on front porch and he came to see the “black snake” thought he had dinner but alas it was just my belt. Made me reminisce about another Road Runner we captured out in a nameless piece of desert in a far away place, long long ago, Once upon a time. Long story short after he perished we tied his wings behind his back, blindfolded him, and then somebody stuck a cigarette in his beak. We dangled him over our water buffalo, trussed up Shall we say. For those that do not know, a water buffalo is basically a canvas sack with a couple of water spouts in the bottom for drinking out of, you tilt your head up, push button and get some great warm canvas water! In this case with each passing day the Road runner got bigger and bigger and bigger in the desert sun. We may, or may not have, had a board to bet on who he busted on while drinking. To say the odor was over powering is an understatement. But a Marine has got to drink water and stay hydrated right? It was getting super dicey and we were all spreading our hydration events farther and farther apart. Then one shiny hot summers day our OIC (Officer in Charge) decided to leave his AC hootch wherever that was, and glad hand with his minions. Lo and behold he got thirsty, he commented upon the stench of our AO as he looked up showing solidarity drinking (likely first time ever) from water buffalo. Then he laid eyes on what can only be described as one very swollen, super funky smelling blindfolded Road Runner above his head, He blew a gasket! The results and aftermath were not in our favor! Here is our resident Road Runner, in Jodis window!

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:lol: :lol::lol:
Back from the best Italian dinner I’ve ever had. It was a dinner special garlic rolls, two appetizers, salads, two entrees, desert, and a bottle of house wine. I had something with Cajun shrimp and pasta all Italian no idea but it was all great.
Speaking of El Mirage, the SCTA event scheduled for next weekend has been cancelled for the same reason Burning Man has issues. Rain! Standing water on the track. :BangHead:
Thought I'd throw my meat on the smoker tomorrow. Just a old piece of cow neck. Hard to believe such a waste product cost so much. Lots cheaper per pound than hamburger. :lol: Sea Salt, coarse ground pepper, and minced garlic.



So as I was cooking tonight using the last pick of jalapeños, they were smoking, like haz mat hot! Our road runner crashed the party. Not sure where he lives but he has been hanging around. I took my belt off the other day as I was soaked thru and thru. Tossed it on a church pew we have on front porch and he came to see the “black snake” thought he had dinner but alas it was just my belt. Made me reminisce about another Road Runner we captured out in a nameless piece of desert in a far away place, long long ago, Once upon a time. Long story short after he perished we tied his wings behind his back, blindfolded him, and then somebody stuck a cigarette in his beak. We dangled him over our water buffalo, trussed up Shall we say. For those that do not know, a water buffalo is basically a canvas sack with a couple of water spouts in the bottom for drinking out of, you tilt your head up, push button and get some great warm canvas water! In this case with each passing day the Road runner got bigger and bigger and bigger in the desert sun. We may, or may not have, had a board to bet on who he busted on while drinking. To say the odor was over powering is an understatement. But a Marine has got to drink water and stay hydrated right? It was getting super dicey and we were all spreading our hydration events farther and farther apart. Then one shiny hot summers day our OIC (Officer in Charge) decided to leave his AC hootch wherever that was, and glad hand with his minions. Lo and behold he got thirsty, he commented upon the stench of our AO as he looked up showing solidarity drinking (likely first time ever) from water buffalo. Then he laid eyes on what can only be described as one very swollen, super funky smelling blindfolded Road Runner above his head, He blew a gasket! The results and aftermath were not in our favor! Here is our resident Road Runner, in Jodis window!

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Cool Meep meep !

If I had a Santa Maria Style BBQ restaurant :lol: I would have to put this up on the wall :lol:
Yeah Tri Tips have some odd shapes. That's the main reason we used to get them for $.99/lbs.
They got ground up for hamburger everywhere but this valley :rofl:
Went through and double and triple checked the torque on all the studs in the bottom end of the 440. Should be ready for final assembly tomorrow
Long ago I cooked some up for my MIL, she was a caterer. "I have to get some of those to try" she said. We tried to get her to buy them here before she returned to San Diego, wouldn't go for it. She found one butcher shop in the spendiest part of San Diego, La Jolla that had them :lol: Every market in town here had them for $1.99/lbs. La Jolla, $7.99 :rofl:
Bunch of company today and 2 grand kids made it extra special. Burnt some steaks and some brussel sprouts and mashed potatoes turned out good.


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Youngest grand daughter as I was cooking steaks yelled at me PAPA! I gotta go pee! Looked over and this is a lucky shot I'll hang on to this picture and give it back to her when she is older.

Grand kids are the best.
Well, that was a day i tell you what!
50 ish people showed up and a few cars as well. Too many leftovers. Thing next year we will do a pot luck, burgers and dogs.




