Stop in for a cup of coffee

So my tenant that was behind on rent showed up yesterday. I got all the holes jackhammered but two for the dog run. He started his day Jack hammering the last two holes! Then we set posts then poured the concrete to them. When done the dogs will have their own door to the run and can go out at will when we are gone. I tried to talk Jodi into letting me put a deer stand up on top of the back corner but that was a no go. She said that was a little to much red neck even for me. It would have been perfect, it would command view of a persimmon tree I left that is a buffet table for the deer. And good morning Craig! Hope you guys are as dehydrated as we are! We celebrated Craig’s Birthday from afar!

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Nice layered perimeter. :lol:
It's Sublime Sunday!


Good morning :D
Looks like a good morning for the Derelicts, if they wear their cold weather gear :lol: 49° for the moment out there. Summer arrives Tuesday 80° and goes up from there for the rest of the week.
Yrs ago friends had ’Spam’ party. One entry was Spam Jello, my entry was ‘ Burnt out Spam’, put Spam on road and did a burnout
Ok the maple Spam was great! Definitely worth buying. I didn’t think it was as salty as the original.
Good morning. I'm jealous you guys hitting Hershey without me. O well. Hope you all had a good time..
Forgot to check in.
Cloudy, might rain. If it starts, it will rain for a week.
Moved boats into storage, only 9 more to go.
Back into quonset and keep moving stuff.
Waiting for buddy to show up, move his wife’s beetle. Then i can continue shuffling stuff. Almost got my work area ready so get back on Studebaker. My youtube buddy is getting back on his as well,hope we are both ready for spring.
Looks like Washington is keepin it close today with the Eagles ..17-10 Wash up at the half....
Looks like Washington is keepin it close today with the Eagles ..17-10 Wash up at the half....
I haven’t been able to tune in yet. It’s officially moving day for my son. And we all know best laid plans still always have hiccups in them.
Hey. Anyone here want these? Before I put a for sale thread up. Big block. No issues. Here friends and family price



I ain't gettin sh@@##t done today, under the weather a bit from the dual shot yesterday, doesn't surprise me. Used tractor yesterday to pull out a bunch of rounds, supposed to roll them into the splitter today, don't think that's happening. Sounds like some upsets going on in Foozeball