Stop in for a cup of coffee

It does. The air is crisp but a sweatshirt will suffice. My husband needs help pulling the radiator from the ford since it’s leaking. Once that’s done I have some trim painting to work on in the house.
I have to disagree with you Ben (my hero and idol) Have you never had a good fart that leaves a taste in your mouth?
Had to pass this year. Too crazy trying to get **** shipped to Mexico. Mail is a joke (almost non-existent) and shipping companies are so hit and miss..

But the weather is fabulous everyday!
If you want get one and have it shipped to my house then when you land back on US soil I can run it over to you. Mule delivery service!
What the heck are yall doing getting up so early! Its Sunday! 40 degrees with wind and hopefully the last mowing of the year. (Didnt I say that last week). We mow about 3 1/2 acres but with the wife and I going its a fat hour.
Looks like today the weather will be ok for outside stuff.
I've been trying to keep up with the walnuts by the woodpile. Chucking them into the neighbors pine trees. Want to at least chop the leaves there today. Maybe mow the whole thing so the other leaves blow away when they fall. Tons of walnuts down in the back corner. I even posted for free on MP, but no response. So they will probably get run over and mulched.

Good morning.
Morning! Our apple tree went nuts this year (see what I did) Branches bending to the ground. We have 5 types of apples grafted onto one trunk so cooking and eating apples all in one. Deer like it too.
Lions look like they actually have a chance this year! Last time they won the championship was before there was a super bowl, in 1957. I added a big marquise shaped diamond to a lions championship ring a few years ago so he could propose to his girl with it.
Apple butter time! I really miss making it with the neighbors. Need to get another jar of this. PA made. Found at local market that is only open on Fridays. Closest one I have found to what we used to make here.

I've been trying to keep up with the walnuts by the woodpile. Chucking them into the neighbors pine trees. Want to at least chop the leaves there today. Maybe mow the whole thing so the other leaves blow away when they fall. Tons of walnuts down in the back corner. I even posted for free on MP, but no response. So they will probably get run over and mulched.

Good morning.
dry em and crack 'em. Will keep someone busy for hours on end!
Could be good excercise while watching TV?
dry em and crack 'em. Will keep someone busy for hours on end!
Could be good excercise while watching TV?
I don't like them enough to do all that work! I dryed a bunch out in the shed one year and the squirrels stole them all. :mad::elmer:
This is interesting... Free M&M refill on Trick or Treat candy on October 31st. You have to be in 'GoPuff' delivery area though (not here). That probably is very limited though. Since many places don't actualy have it on the 31st since it is a Tuesday.
Run out of candy on Halloween? M&M's says it will deliver straight to your door to refill your bowl
Just looked up local schedule and surprisingly most are having it the 31st. I don't think anyone moved it to the weekend. I believe they did that a few years ago, but probably conflicted with parties. The strangest one is Hanover. Having it on the 24th -a full week early, but still on a Tuesday? Also, some on Thursday night???
Off to church soon. (I'll put in a good word for you all) :poke: :lol: THere is a Old Church tour this afternoon sponsored by the Historical Society that we might go to. Lot's of beauty in those old buildings. I wish the clouds would go away so the sun could show off all that stained glass.
Been helping my family out by the river, food, and necessary stuff to start the fall/winter after a mini stroke.. hope all is well with everyone on this day. Stop in again later.
Man on the hill.
Was checking things out down by the biggest Walnut tree. Always freaks me a little when I realize there is something completely silent casting a shadow over me… :eek: lol At least 3 of these guys circling overhead.


