Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning gang and coffee is on here. I was up and down all night for whatever reason too hot maybe??
It got up to 82 here yesterday, and we weren't going to turn the AC on for one day.
I probably didn't eat enough calories yesterday so finally fixed a snack about midnight.
Rain sets in here for the next week and we need it. Our golf trip this weekend looks like a rain out, but that's ok.
We're going to take a week off no gym and no golf. We can't remember the last time we did it probably last spring??
My shoulders deltoids have been sore for weeks just overuse. I should do a better job but it's just too hard for me to stop.
Good Morning All! Mountain snow heading this way, supposed to rain pretty good today here with temps dropping by Friday
Morning gang and coffee is on here. I was up and down all night for whatever reason too hot maybe??
It got up to 82 here yesterday, and we weren't going to turn the AC on for one day.
I probably didn't eat enough calories yesterday so finally fixed a snack about midnight.
Rain sets in here for the next week and we need it. Our golf trip this weekend looks like a rain out, but that's ok.
We're going to take a week off no gym and no golf. We can't remember the last time we did it probably last spring??
My shoulders deltoids have been sore for weeks just overuse. I should do a better job but it's just too hard for me to stop.
Craig, as you know I lifted weights for years and years. Once I got past forty (which you are fast approaching) I found my attachments did not heal at the same pace as the muscle tissue. As a result I started taking every seventh week off, religiously. I cannot begin to tell you the difference it made. Every thing about my health improved. It was amazing. Just food for thought!
Went over to neighbors with tractor and helped bury his deer guts, says he's going to give me some venison. Said you don't have to do that THANKS lol!
Craig, as you know I lifted weights for years and years. Once I got past forty (which you are fast approaching) I found my attachments did not heal at the same pace as the muscle tissue. As a result I started taking every seventh week off, religiously. I cannot begin to tell you the difference it made. Every thing about my health improved. It was amazing. Just food for thought!
I agree the past couple years I've taken every fifth week off no weights or golf, and it worked for me. This year with the weight loss, feeling so much better, and Cheryl retired we just kept going. Winter is getting closer so sure there will be more down days built into the schedule.
2 degrees above freezing. Chilly taking the dog out. Thunderbird back in shop. Try hard to finish it off today, and ship it.
Mustang coming for storage, with a box full of brake parts. Guess thats next.
Not sure of the count but zero visibility suddenly.
Something like this.