Stop in for a cup of coffee

When I was active in HI a friend did a Halloween party and the Theam was pimp and Ho. Pretty funny, kids going around asking if you are my daddy! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Since P is the word of the day, it is poring down rain here in Arkansas. But we train anyway! Pictured is my pristine tactical Timmy pant suit for pouring down prodigious amounts of precipitation! And who doesn’t like a Sublime practice pistol! Today is Carbine day and transitions. We are going to get cold and wet again. It is actually perfect for testing out your kit and making sure you can function when it is not seventy degrees and you are on a golf course!




I wanted to ask for opinions. Do you think there would be any interest if I produced these? I can put the logo in the middle, the year you joined on one side and your name on the other. Made of stainless steel and IP coated stainless steel

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While I think it is very creative and cool, I am not a jewelery wearing kind of guy. My wedding band is tattooed so I don’t have to wear a ring. Or quite frankly I cannot take it off no matter how much tequila I drink or how good she looks!