Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning guys and gals. Yet another cold rainy day here. Looks like time working in the basement until the Chiefs play at 3:30.
While I think it is very creative and cool, I am not a jewelery wearing kind of guy. My wedding band is tattooed so I don’t have to wear a ring. Or quite frankly I cannot take it off no matter how much tequila I drink or how good she looks!
Mine is branded in....ouch
Froze pretty solid last night. -6°C. Have to trudge to shop as i left truck in overnight. Out for brekkie, then wash truck. Back into shop, clean windows,and replace seat upholstery on drivers seat. Maybe pull rear door panels and swap in some speakers.
I am glad she was there. I was snorkeling and digging clams. No way I could find that afterwards.
Fixing to have some eggs and leftover grits. Gonna be a long day today. I have already prepped the targets and stands for the day and squared away the range. We just turned tail and ran when we stopped yesterday. I think we got just over three inches, we got soaked. Rinse and repeat today but colder. Forty some for the high, with 20mph wind. When you are soaked forty is chilly. Hope the boys dress in layers!
Sounds good
They are she makes the pancakes with a protein pancake mix she found at the store. I was surprised how good they are. No biscuits and gravy or bacon or sausage here. I guess I'm living a healthy eating lifestyle here but sometimes especially for weekend breakfast time it sucks.
Fixing to have some eggs and leftover grits. Gonna be a long day today. I have already prepped the targets and stands for the day and squared away the range. We just turned tail and ran when we stopped yesterday. I think we got just over three inches, we got soaked. Rinse and repeat today but colder. Forty some for the high, with 20mph wind. When you are soaked forty is chilly. Hope the boys dress in layers!
You have a small room close enough to the range to duck in and warm up a few minutes??
Since P is the word of the day, it is poring down rain here in Arkansas. But we train anyway! Pictured is my pristine tactical Timmy pant suit for pouring down prodigious amounts of precipitation! And who doesn’t like a Sublime practice pistol! Today is Carbine day and transitions. We are going to get cold and wet again. It is actually perfect for testing out your kit and making sure you can function when it is not seventy degrees and you are on a golf course!

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At least in the photos it looks like fun.
I'm shooting the usual today. Only practice I'm getting this month is the match.
Then clean cook pack and back to jersey. Get the bills paid too.
Yesterday I looked up Plimouth Plantation.
Found they renamed it. Plymouth Pautuxet.

Tommorrows word may be Production. I hate that word. at least when applied to a skilled job.
People think pumpkins can grow out of thin air.
maybe they do!