Stop in for a cup of coffee


Is it too early to crack one open?
For those of you with drip coffee makers, what filters do you use? I have been using the natural brown ones. I would like to find something that filters a little less (drains faster) so the filters won't overflow. I tried a reusable one and it works great in the basket but what a mess they are to clean.
For those of you with drip coffee makers, what filters do you use? I have been using the natural brown ones. I would like to find something that filters a little less (drains faster) so the filters won't overflow. I tried a reusable one and it works great in the basket but what a mess they are to clean.
Never really thought there was a difference but the screen ones your right messy.
Today Div 1 can play 25 games and one multi game up to two games. I have no idea what it was back 20-30 years ago.
There were less games as the big ten tourney didn’t exist back then. It went off record in the conference. But it’s been around the 20-30ish game mark since ww2 according to google with some variation due to tournament play and pre season but they only count tourney games and regular season games in season records.
For those of you with drip coffee makers, what filters do you use? I have been using the natural brown ones. I would like to find something that filters a little less (drains faster) so the filters won't overflow. I tried a reusable one and it works great in the basket but what a mess they are to clean.
The one I got my wife has a stainless screen filter, it’s easy to clean. I just dunk it in the dish water like any other dish, run a brush around it and dunk it in the non soap water, then rinse
We did MC-130 and h-60 pave hawks, the active group had 53;s and v-22 100's of hours in both.
The one I got my wife has a stainless screen filter, it’s easy to clean. I just dunk it in the dish water like any other dish, run a brush around it and dunk it in the non soap water, then rinse.
I need to clean more of the grounds out of it into the garbage. There are always some grounds left that end up in the sink. Here I go cleaning the sink again. 2 more gallons of water to chase those little devils down the sink drain. :BangHead: :rofl: