Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning All! Caught up on all the college football I missed yesterday, got called in for the storm. Lost an alder tree, got that cleaned up before I went in, chainsaw today.

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Well the Razorbacks winning streak came to a crushing stop yesterday at the hands of Auburn. We were on a roll and had not lost a game in two weekends, bye week and one win against a Junior college. Back to the reality of being the SEC punching bag!
Weather operators in SoCal are being very generous to hot rodders. Today World Finals at In-N-Out Raceway in Pomona and SCTA Finals, the land speed guys at El Mirage Dry Lake just over the San Gabriel Mtns from Pomona. Wednesday or Thursday this week they're bringing the rain. 70° and no wind for SCTA, 80° for the World Finals. Good planning. Heaven help those folks entangled in that 3 day weekend return traffic this afternoon :lol: