Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nothing crazy here today. We have a high of 43 here today. It’s Wyatt’s birthday today. He turns the big 13. He gets to choose where he wants to go for his birthday dinner tonight.
Happy Birthday Wyatt enjoy your day!!
morning all y’all. And a happy birthday to Wyatt. I see dinner at Hooters or Twin Peaks in your future! Just going to spend the day getting my mess sorted out and packed for armors school this upcoming week. Hopefully I will learn a lot. I need to sort out my menu so I can cook in hotel room and not eat in town. Plus pack a lunch and snacks for during the day. I am accustomed to grazing like a cow all day. One of the clear benefits of being retired. And I got to clear a bunch of fencing today. Dumb barbwire.
Don't overdo it today...I know I should follow my own advice...haha
morning all y’all. And a happy birthday to Wyatt. I see dinner at Hooters or Twin Peaks in your future! Just going to spend the day getting my mess sorted out and packed for armors school this upcoming week. Hopefully I will learn a lot. I need to sort out my menu so I can cook in hotel room and not eat in town. Plus pack a lunch and snacks for during the day. I am accustomed to grazing like a cow all day. One of the clear benefits of being retired. And I got to clear a bunch of fencing today. Dumb barbwire.
He would die of embarrassment if I took him there. I don't think any boy wants to be seen eating dinner with his mother at Hooter's. It would make me laugh though watching him squirm. :lol:
I'll go out once with people from the class. I don't enjoy eating out every meal either besides it can get expensive. I keep it simple if it's just a few days and the room has a frig. I bring some bread & butter, silverware, paper plates, bag of salad, dressing. and an assortment of Lien Cuisines. For breakfast good old oatmeal or cereal with something added like fruit or PB.

Not sure how often this gets checked out of the local library...

He would die of embarrassment if I took him there. I don't think any boy wants to be seen eating dinner with his mother at Hooter's. It would make me laugh though watching him squirm. :lol:
Our boy decided he wanted to go to Hooters. We get in there and the gals find out it is his Bday so ask him if he wants the high or low version? He selects low. The girls surround him, get down on one knee right under his chin, and sing happy birthday to him. He was mortified and the song could not get over soon enough for him. He did think the view was amazing tho.
He would die of embarrassment if I took him there. I don't think any boy wants to be seen eating dinner with his mother at Hooter's. It would make me laugh though watching him squirm. :lol:
Especially when they all came to the table to sing him HB!!
Oh I see part of the issue is it's warm and wet, not usually a problem for me lol! With snow level climbing to 9,000 feet, existing snows gonna melt and a lot of it.
Warm and wet is how I prefer it.....
Our boy decided he wanted to go to Hooters. We get in there and the gals find out it is his Bday so ask him if he wants the high or low version? He selects low. The girls surround him, get down on one knee right under his chin, and sing happy birthday to him. He was mortified and the song could not get over soon enough for him. He did think the view was amazing tho.
That would kill him :rofl: He hates having any attention on him at all in public places. Oh I could be such an awful mom :lol: He’s lucky there are none close to me.
I'll go out once with people from the class. I don't enjoy eating out every meal either besides it can get expensive. I keep it simple if it's just a few days and the room has a frig. I bring some bread & butter, silverware, paper plates, bag of salad, dressing. and an assortment of Lien Cuisines. For breakfast good old oatmeal or cereal with something added like fruit or PB.
Yogurt and granola for me! And maybe some cheese and crackers for lunch
Banh Cuon for Breakfast today. Fresh shrimp with vegetables wrapped in rice paper. You dip them in Hossin sauce.
Just looked at, still a whole bunch of hot rod activities coming up down south. Funny they list numerous swap meets and shows at Pomona Fairplex, but does not mention the Winternationals :wtf: