Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone. I hope all is well. Tired today. Have to see what the day brings. Heading up north by Mom this weekend.
No real plans for today

My dad told us a story once when he was young, their housekeeper baked a lemon meringue pie and left it on the kitchen counter to cool...

They walked in a half hour later and caught their cat, Mike, who had eaten most of the meringue off the pie... :mad: :BangHead:
My daughters cat does this from time to time. Pisses me off.
Good Morning All! Lost power yesterday afternoon, "atmospheric river" hitting the NW but wind strongest in San Juan Islands to include Whidbey. Skagit river is supposed to be at flood stage will have to check all that out.
Oh I see part of the issue is it's warm and wet, not usually a problem for me lol! With snow level climbing to 9,000 feet, existing snows gonna melt and a lot of it.
A little cool this morning, but still not bad. Will be above freezing again, making everything snow covered very slick.
Back on Studebaker for a few hours, move some electrical around as its all tangled up on passenger side floor.
A little cool this morning, but still not bad. Will be above freezing again, making everything snow covered very slick.
Back on Studebaker for a few hours, move some electrical around as its all tangled up on passenger side floor.
Weren't you painting a dash, did that make it in there?
Nothing crazy here today. We have a high of 43 here today. It’s Wyatt’s birthday today. He turns the big 13. He gets to choose where he wants to go for his birthday dinner tonight.
Well crap, time to get, have to drive to Redmond for training, ugh. Supposed to have bucket truck rescue training after regularly scheduled safety training, ought to be fun in the rain NOT! Have a Great Day All!
morning all y’all. And a happy birthday to Wyatt. I see dinner at Hooters or Twin Peaks in your future! Just going to spend the day getting my mess sorted out and packed for armors school this upcoming week. Hopefully I will learn a lot. I need to sort out my menu so I can cook in hotel room and not eat in town. Plus pack a lunch and snacks for during the day. I am accustomed to grazing like a cow all day. One of the clear benefits of being retired. And I got to clear a bunch of fencing today. Dumb barbwire.