Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah, who knows what hidden damage there are straight wheel is not. The airbag did not deploy surprisingly, I hear a lot are totaled if that happens.

It is 2014 with only 30k miles.
That's a bummer. Hope its fixed. Sure don't want to be buying a new vehicle these days
Tried to book a room at the Holiday Inn in Still water Mn. for MITP and was almost $350 a night. :wtf:
Found a room through a broker for under $200 for 2 days and I booked that, my confirmation came up on my Email as Still water Oklahoma:BangHead:
Screw it I can't hear on the phone and I'm having a poor me day so pouring another drink.
Well the new brakes solved the squealing.
But it didn't solve the underlying problem. Growled and howled on the turns on the way back.
Maybe the wheel bearings in the front 'hubs'
Hope its not axle related.
Just my 2 cents Scott Take it to a body shop and let them deal with it. So many times I see people take what the insurance companies appraiser estimate is and you can't tell the damage till you tear it apart. Had one 2 weeks ago that the insurance company figured was a $400 repair and turned into a $7,000 repair.
I am at the body shop now waiting for them to get here :thumbsup:
The snow is moving in here. I am already on a 2 hour delay for work tomorrow morning. So I guess that means I can pour another drink.
Seriously if your 485 miles took you up on that part of I78 I'd be glad to be home too.
With the snow maybe freezing rain then sub zero temps I already figured it wasn't worth going up to Morristown on Tues.
With the Jeep needing work, I may bag the week. I can do some brain work from home more efficiently anyway.
Eagles are looking like the Keystone Cops out there tonight.....
I love them but I hate them. They fall apart when it’s time to shine. It’s been the same way with the Flyers. They look good all season and in the end completely fall apart.