Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow Hoppy, well it it becomes hot you can go fishing after power is removed, they should all be floating on top!
Already adderssed that with them. Would suck takes years to get the bass as big as they are now. Prob 6-8 lbs each. Cant even buy them adult! Line broke from the Feed pole so should be ok.
Breakfast time


Pics from today's boat excursion. Saw the snakes at one place I stopped. I have a video I will download and probably get it tomorrow.





Mike, you would not believe how laid back everything is here in Vietnam. Nobody's in a hurry to go anywhere or do anything. Quite the opposite of America.
You have not been to Arkansas yet! @memike You North Eastern guys have a very different lifestyle pace and culture than we have down her in the South, can I get an amen? @RustyRatRod ! Hah!
Congratulations Toolmanmike, Catlin Clark is something special, lady basketball player up there, the young lady averages 33 points a game.. record breaking experience last night @toolmanmike
She only needed 8 points and it didn't take her long.