Stop in for a cup of coffee

750... This is the third time i started it, no timing checked or car played with or anything.. really impressed with how good it does out of the box. (no water in the engine, still need to fix a fuel line leak)

Leaking gas at the carb inlet?
Leaking gas at the carb inlet?
No, where the line comes out of the fuel pump.. it's the only flare i did and the only leak :) I did a single flare, doing a double and fixing that once it's not cold out again.. then i will add water and pray those head gaskets don't leak.. been reading bad **** bout them.. not a big job but a pain to setup the sideplay in the rockers in the car compared to on a stand... if i have to
No, where the line comes out of the fuel pump.. it's the only flare i did and the only leak :) I did a single flare, doing a double and fixing that once it's not cold out again.. then i will add water and pray those head gaskets don't leak.. been reading bad **** bout them.. not a big job but a pain to setup the sideplay in the rockers in the car compared to on a stand... if i have to
It sounds great.
Interesting, I have never heard this.
"When pushing fuel using an electric pump there should be no vapor lock. The issue stems from trying to pull fuel up and forward. Relocate the pump down and to the rear. Ive used Holley blue many times mounted this way with aluminum line. No wrap on the line either. Never had an issue.
Did an injection for my shoulder... it lasted about 4 ½ years before I had to get surgery... just have to be cautious as some of the things they use will make tissue brittle and if you need surgery then you're kinda screwed... or they have to go more extreme. PTs suck unless you get one that is occupational, and will focus on the things you need to do. I've had 7 recommendations to get surgery... I've actually had 2... the other times I modified routines, habits or diet.

I literally threw away all my shoes and went strictly zero-drop, wide toe box. No heels relieved a lot of low back and knee pain. On the occasion I have to go with conventional footwear, I saw the heels off...

Caveat Emptor

Good luck... hope you get some relief
Not sure what a zero drop shoe is but I’ll look into it. Maybe it’ll help my knee issues.

I’ve got a military exam on my knees the 18th of this month, should be the appointment that finally ends my military career. If they write it up as I expect them too and as they claim they will, I’ll have a permanent profile on the knees and can’t go to any more promotion schools. They’ll let that slide for just so long before they’ll look to let me go. Question is how long.
So appealing to the collective coffee brain trust. Do any of you utilize solar at your residence? I am looking at putting solar on our well pump. I know Jack diddly about solar.
Not me, i want to but too expensive.. my ex boss has a new house built up in the woods in northern michigan and it's all solar.. he makes so much power they never have any issues and don't even worry bout it.. Free power once the investment is done :)
It's froggy out there. Had to go out and get something from the Hemi Express. 70° after the frogs lift. Tomorrow back to carry your umbrella it might rain for 3 days. Went by the oval track yesterday. Still has standing water in the infield. Somebody has been movin' dirt outside the track in a spot where track type clay could be mined. Has to be the upcoming owners, the previous owner wouldn't waste the time or fuel for something like that. Still no offishul notice that the track has changed hands, but USAC still has them on their Sprint Car schedule for the last weekend of the month.
So appealing to the collective coffee brain trust. Do any of you utilize solar at your residence? I am looking at putting solar on our well pump. I know Jack diddly about solar.
Yep. Just a small one to charge a battery on a pond pump. Biggest thing when it comes to solar is the charge controller. Get a good, high quality one
Not me, i want to but too expensive.. my ex boss has a new house built up in the woods in northern michigan and it's all solar.. he makes so much power they never have any issues and don't even worry bout it.. Free power once the investment is done :)
Been researching it heavily here. But they passed some bs law back in 2018 here that requires all new construction to be grid tied. So I’ll still be stuck with a minimum electric bill even if I went solar fully.
So appealing to the collective coffee brain trust. Do any of you utilize solar at your residence? I am looking at putting solar on our well pump. I know Jack diddly about solar.
One thing to think of...........................power outage.

We have a whole house generator for backup power and our water heaters and well pump are on that. Can you still do that if it is on solar??? I don't know, but something to consider.
Been researching it heavily here. But they passed some bs law back in 2018 here that requires all new construction to be grid tied. So I’ll still be stuck with a minimum electric bill even if I went solar fully.
most places with grid+solar will actually let you pump excess into the grid and pay you for it.
One thing to think of...........................power outage.

We have a whole house generator for backup power and our water heaters and well pump are on that. Can you still do that if it is on solar??? I don't know, but something to consider.
whole house solar have batteries that will run an entire house at night, power outage isn't a issue with a decent setup
hahah PST.... i installed my new steering box 2 days ago and just got the email that it shipped a minute ago..
I’ve actually been playing around with solar power since 7th grade. Won 1st place design with my solar car design for the state tournament placing 5 overall in performance.

Then 8th grade, won 2nd place design with a 7th place in performance (had gear break on my trans axle in the semi final round or I’d won it all as the car was 4 seconds faster than the next fastest one)
I’ve actually been playing around with solar power since 7th grade. Won 1st place design with my solar car design for the state tournament placing 5 overall in performance.

Then 8th grade, won 2nd place design with a 7th place in performance (had gear break on my trans axle in the semi final round or I’d won it all as the car was 4 seconds faster than the next fastest one)
I really hope solar tech keeps advancing and getting more efficient... all the free power we ever need is right there
most places with grid+solar will actually let you pump excess into the grid and pay you for it.
They used too here, not anymore. Duke energy lobbied the state to ban that. All part of the 2018 law. They claimed safety but ultimately, they didn’t like paying people. Sad part is, now if you back feed into their grid, they get the power for free