Stop in for a cup of coffee

YouTube is full of amazing (loud) engines starting. I'd like the Ford WWII tank engine and the ram jet (?) engines that used to be on U-control speed planes...jest to make noise and annoy the neighbors.
YouTube is full of amazing (loud) engines starting. I'd like the Ford WWII tank engine and the ram jet (?) engines that used to be on U-control speed planes...jest to make noise and annoy the neighbors.
yeah.. the WASP engines which are like 18 cyl radials are amazing
Hey Chris. Monday I was at Stonefield Center Ag Museum. Most of the McCormisck collection is there. Sorry no pics. Was mostly asking questions and learning.
Nice!!! Haven’t been there myself but I know people who have.
YouTube is full of amazing (loud) engines starting. I'd like the Ford WWII tank engine and the ram jet (?) engines that used to be on U-control speed planes...jest to make noise and annoy the neighbors.
The loudest I’ve ever heard is the 2,560 cubic inch hemi powered monsters. At full song, no amount of hearing protect will help
Soo.. curious bout something.. i'm running a Gates 7740 XL belt on my car which is 47" long .41" wide.. which seems to be the normal size but my belt rides high in the pulleys which gives that cool squeal when starting.. were there thinner belts?
Funny RC plane story :lol: I was riding my Honda Mini Trail around the elementary school right across the street from the house. Had some elevation changes and dirt trails and fun to ride. I see 3 guys messin' with an RC plane on the basketball courts. I gotta see this and get closer and park, 75-100 yards away. They weren't really doing anything and I got bored and started my bike. They mast have started the plane at the same time. I revved it up a little to get underway and the plane started moving across the asphalt at a high rate of speed but no apparent directional control :wtf: BANG! Plane hits a steel portable bench on the courts. Wow! The guys looked rather concerned about their toy and rushed to it's aid. I rode a little closer to watch. "Hey You! Get over here!" they yelled. I ride over, "Rev that thing up a little." I did. First thing happen, the throttle on the plane goes WFO :eek: next rudder goes :realcrazy:. I shut the bike off, controls return to normal :rolleyes: "I'll see you guys later." Rode back home :lol: