Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man.. wore goggles last night and my glasses doing all that grinding and my eyes still feel like they have been sandpapered today
That sucks. for sure. Just got a call been trying to get this superstock dist from a guy for a while in MD. Dam he called me he is doing the Ford nationals at Carlisle and he is bringing it with him. Meeting him there. Very hard to find one goes with that Prestolite transignitor I have NOS. Figure re do it fast and sell it as a package. Brings the $$$ alot that way. Super stock car only.

Morning guy, that does not look like a vista from your “hood” looks like you are backing working like a dog! Be safe have fun!
Not Philly or NJ.
That's the Wisconsin River.
Was visiting with a friend.

Met up with @71GSSDemon on the way back east. :thumbsup:
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Made it home,no issues at all. Im guessing extra fuel burned in 3,000 kilometres is 20 gallons or less. 17.6 litres per 100 km’s average according to truck computer.
Im a little wound up after driving 450 miles so just chillin until i elax some.
Frank you need this !
Mornin peeps. Finally got the Duster out for a ride just now. First in a LONG time.. Just several miles down the road and back. Started great. Ran great. Still seems way loud (not really a good loud either, lol), just before it upshifts into highest gear. Thinking its an exhaust resonance thing, but has an odd vibration with it. Then I got stuck behind a slow poke with a small trailer coming back and it was going in/out of that range. :BangHead:
Mornin peeps. Finally got the Duster out for a ride just now. First in a LONG time.. Just several miles down the road and back. Started great. Ran great. Still seems way loud (not really a good loud either, lol), just before it upshifts into highest gear. Thinking its an exhaust resonance thing, but has an odd vibration with it. Then I got stuck behind a slow poke with a small trailer coming back and it was going in/out of that range. :BangHead:
Hey keith...