Stop in for a cup of coffee

Is that the '66 behind that Cobra?
Funny thing is, I was just running to the farm after Tim left, didn’t even think about it until I saw the convoy. Pure luck in catching that shot

Morning all! FABO member Jim Ward just left with a pair of buckets for his Scamp. Nice to meet you and thanks for sharing stories of your family and pictures of yours cars and projects.
I'm also thankful that I don't have to put the buckets back up on the top shelf in the back of the garage. Safe trip Jim!
Went downtown to listen to a band. Met the neighbors down there. I'm not a big fan of sitting up too close. The thumping drives me nuts and my ears are ringing. I'm getting old I guess. I came home and the wife can come home with the neighbors. Her suggestion. Smart gal. LOL
in college, we had tickets to see Rush at the ampitheatre. a friend suggested we do a local band to get used to the loudness of the music. well, my ears rang more from the local band because it was in the basement of a church. now, I just have ringing in both ears all the time. a neighbor complained about the noise of the cicada's. I said I liked it because it drowns out the ringing in my ears.
in college, we had tickets to see Rush at the ampitheatre. a friend suggested we do a local band to get used to the loudness of the music. well, my ears rang more from the local band because it was in the basement of a church. now, I just have ringing in both ears all the time. a neighbor complained about the noise of the cicada's. I said I liked it because it drowns out the ringing in my ears.
That's why I have music playing through the house all day. Otherwise the noise of silence gets super annoying.
This is cool
