Stop in for a cup of coffee

This is her and her grand daughter

Clear and calm. Perfect day for a show and shine. About to get going, clean windows and dust the dashboards. Or not. We drive em. Thats what i built them for. Hoping for a good turnout.
And when you wake up in the morning
With your hip on fire
And your eyes too cloudy to see
Grab a cup of coffee
and come on FABO. LOL

Hips are OK this morning, but my shoulders are telling me about all the lights I changed at work yesterday. And today I need to do some rearranging in the basement for new washing machine coming Tuesday..
Good Morning
And when you wake up in the morning
With your hip on fire
And your eyes too cloudy to see
Grab a cup of coffee
and come on FABO. LOL

Hips are OK this morning, but my shoulders are telling me about all the lights I changed at work yesterday. And today I need to do some rearranging in the basement for new washing machine coming Tuesday..
Good Morning
I need to start trimming the bushes. I used to do that job in a day. Now I spread it over a few days. I know all about shoulders screaming.

Clear and calm. Perfect day for a show and shine. About to get going, clean windows and dust the dashboards. Or not. We drive em. Thats what i built them for. Hoping for a good turnout.
Just the opposite here. Can't see across the street for the fog. :BangHead: Might keep the Donut Derelicts garaged this morning. Saw numerous height challenged autos
out yesterday in the sunshine.
I need to start trimming the bushes. I used to do that job in a day. Now I spread it over a few days. I know all about shoulders screaming.

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Yeh, I have lots of that to do... Might get rid of the big Holley bush that is now more of a tree right in front of the porch/front door. Was nice when small, but nobody likes an out-of-control bush!
Yeh, I have lots of that to do... Might get rid of the big Holley bush that is now more of a tree right in front of the porch/front door. Was nice when small, but nobody likes an out-of-control bush!
That's true. Where's Karl. :rofl: