Stop in for a cup of coffee

Man I’m feeling it today. 12 mile parade route on horseback. Most ever that I’ve done at one time.
Man I’m feeling it today. 12 mile parade route on horseback. Most ever that I’ve done at one time.
About like 10 hours of this


Shoot! Come to Ca! Minimum wage at Jack in the Box is $20/hr. :wtf: Flipin' burgers for $40K per year.
Buddy of mine just got a job offer in Oxnard, he was super excited until he started looking at apartments. Two bedroom one bath 1,000 sq ft. 2600 dollars per month. Now the wages don’t look so good! He said he can keep staying in a hotel cheaper!
Speakin' of wheels. Pretty sad when you think about it. Yesterday I hear a funny noise as I walked out of the adult beverage dispensary. I look around, the noise was coming from a fella on ragged lookin' 10 spd bike with NO tires on the rims :wtf: :eek:.
Clearly he has no style if he did not have a playing card clothes pinned for spoke effect!
I can feel my guts getting shook out now just looking at that pix!
When I was an apprentice I used to hear some of my fellow operators complain at the end of the day about that. I always wore my seat belt, just the way I was, and they didn't. "Think about it, you don't use your seat belt so you're using your legs to keep yourself in the seat all day." They just looked at me funny, until they tried it. "The kid could be on to something here." :steering:
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60 and sunny... went and cut the grass.. no motivation to work on the car :( gonna relax for a bit and maybe start on the front valence later