Stop in for a cup of coffee

Git Firebird dropped off, first guy i encountered that is happy that he doesent have to do any rust repair.

Then cut some grass, dog run area first. Now she wont be soaked to her knees? Elbows? Every morning. We gettibg heavy dew if it doesent rain. Then sat on tractor mower for a couple hours.
Always put 2 springs on throttle return. Might save a wreck or your life...put one inside the othet
Had one break on my 64 sport fury. At stop sign. Gave it a little gas to move up a bit and it floored and tore out into traffic. Had to put in neutral and turned off key. Dieseled for 5 minutes before it stopped. Had single return spring. 2 from then on...scared the crap out of me. No way brakes would do anything...
Looks like weather is about to turn into summer. Finally. Maybe grass will slow down. Back on the beetle.
Get it running and moving/stopping is in my sights.
Have to get Studebaker booked in for inspection.
I crashed at 9:30, and 4:40 wide awake. Dont think i moved at all. Think i will get moving, lots i would like to get done.
Time to be offensive :)
Morning kiddos

I'm the one guy ay work keeping the lights on and answering the phones at the office today. Should be super quiet. Easy glide into the weekend