Stop in for a cup of coffee

I ain't complainin. The weather here is just like Vietnam. People ask me all the time when I'm in Vietnam, "are you hot ?" . I just shrugg my shoulders and say it's the same where I live in the summertime in America. No worries..
Dude knocked the price down 1,500...

I have a 71 318 sitting in the garage...

I spent the day on an unplanned assignment. Some kids took out over fifty mail box’s on our road two nights ago. The Sheriff will find them no doubt due to one of them bragging! To get over fifty in a night has to be some kind of record? The post office ceased all mail delivery in our road for a few days to let us all do repairs. Arghh. Heat index is way north of 100.


Ya gotta do that

overall, seems like a clean rig, but snowplow and wrecker boom... you know that thing has been beat upon
Left around 6am from PA.
I made it here to my Daughters new house in N.C.
About an hour ago.
Just a few pics. Huge house with detached garage and a separate shop with an apartment on top. 26 acres with a pond. Be here for a few days.




I spent the day on an unplanned assignment. Some kids took out over fifty mail box’s on our road two nights ago. The Sheriff will find them no doubt due to one of them bragging! To get over fifty in a night has to be some kind of record? The post office ceased all mail delivery in our road for a few days to let us all do repairs. Arghh. Heat index is way north of 100.

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You're a good man, Charlie Brown