Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning :D
I think the critters have been chewing on the temp sensor outside.

I have to put stuff away. Backed the truck and trailer right into the shop yesterday.
Hopefully the door was open? :eek: :steering:

another Carlisle week behind us. Sounds like everyone survived... Always fun and lots of new memories.

Now it's the inevitable 'back to reality' Monday.

Good Morning all.
We were goofin' off Saturday and noticed that some of the Phos-Chek bombers leaving the airport were taking a different route than we were used to. Well, out there in the boonies between us and the San Joaquin Valley a little brush fire had started, actually 2, very close together. One of them didn't grow much the other 15K acres in 48 hours :eek: . They seem to be getting a handle on the one nearby.
Good morning. Lots of thunder last night but just a few sprinkles and now is a sunny cool morning.
Speaking of reality it's that time. Two car shows in two days, wish I made it to Carlisle this year but will have to wait till next. Have a Great Day All!
It's almost 70 here. I think I will slather myself with bug spray and trim some bushes (que Karl) before it get's too hot. It's real humid outside and chances of severe storms later this afternoon.
It's almost 70 here. I think I will slather myself with bug spray and trim some bushes (que Karl) before it get's too hot. It's real humid outside and chances of severe storms later this afternoon.
Calling for 98 with 'feels like' 105 both today and tomorrow.
It's almost 70 here. I think I will slather myself with bug spray and trim some bushes (que Karl) before it get's too hot. It's real humid outside and chances of severe storms later this afternoon.
Looks like the storm here is heading your way. It seemed to get bigger as it went past so hang on.
It is nice only being an hour and a half away. This being the first year we were on the show field we learned some things.

We went in Thursday around 1630 and parked the car and had stuff set up and ready for the first day. The campground we stayed at was ok, but not doing that again. A lot of people left Saturday and on Sunday we were able to pull the truck and trailer right in and load the car on the show field which made it very nice.

I was looking through the classes yesterday again. I wish they had a class in which our car fit better. The modified is 60-69........................
Agreed on the ya simply don’t spend anytime at your room during Carlisle. No idea on your background but man o man was the Carlisle barracks conveniently located. Super nice digs and very close to event. @ZMan67S has got it figured out and dialed in. We did not suffer at all with exception of being a bit dehydrated in the mornings. Just a great place to stay.
Hey guys. I'm hanging out at Hoppys till Wednesday morning. Helping Ray get unloaded from "the big show" By my perspective the show was way down from years past..
Hey guys. I'm hanging out at Hoppys till Wednesday morning. Helping Ray get unloaded from "the big show" By my perspective the show was way down from years past..
Was just wondering where you were... I knew your return path had changed. Any other interesting stops in the new plan?

I only got the Friday view... I was set on going no matter what, but I think the up and down of the forecast scared some away. First they called for extreme heat, then said bad storms... Ended up to be a perfect day in my opinion.