Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thanks for the update. I was just wondering how he was doing.

Leftovers here tonight. We leave for vacation Saturday so I’m working on using up everything in the fridge before we go.
Have a good vacation Steph and if you have any leftovers when you're ready to leave send them my way. I could use something different than my cooking. :thumbsup:
Have a good vacation Steph and if you have any leftovers when you're ready to leave send them my way. I could use something different than my cooking. :thumbsup:
Anytime you want I’ll package some meals and ship them to you :) I like feeding people.
Love the ad. 4 pictures, all taken from 7 inches away...

Well I just got home from teaching a school security team all week. It was comprised of both regular LEO and school commissioned officers. It was a hoot, during force on force they were in a six man team, I was bad guy. I got five of them but was ambushed by a LEO who shot me point blank in the forehead with training ammo. Hit me just above my head gear, split my forehead like a grape. Bled like a stuck pig! Great day of training! I love my job!
Well I just got home from teaching a school security team all week. It was comprised of both regular LEO and school commissioned officers. It was a hoot, during force on force they were in a six man team, I was bad guy. I got five of them but was ambushed by a LEO who shot me point blank in the forehead with training ammo. Hit me just above my head gear, split my forehead like a grape. Bled like a stuck pig! Great day of training! I love my job!
:rofl: :rofl:Not laughing at your cut head just the way you say it is funny ****.

Been there brother...
It has left a mark, not quite scabbed over yet! Jodi was not amused. They pinned me down in a library. Advantage bad guy! I lit him up but he was in full kit so he did not feel a thing! He pinged me pretty good. The civilians did not understand why he and I were laughing like a pair of hyenas. He is a good guy, I have been dialing him in on the range as he has just migrated to an optic on his pistol. Clearly I taught him to good!
Should not be

I just have this vision of the car disassembling itself like the Blues Mobile first time I try to turn it over
First time on the road with my Scamp after I restored it I was driving down the road looking in the rear view mirror seeing if any parts were flying off.
Should not be

I just have this vision of the car disassembling itself like the Blues Mobile first time I try to turn it over
hahah i'm to the point that i could drive mine soon and i'm kinda stalling.... sooo much that can go wrong... Even stressing over the fan of all things.. i need a stock steel water pump pulley... this alum one is too thick and barely lets the fan clutch ride on the snout.. which scares me
It has left a mark, not quite scabbed over yet! Jodi was not amused. They pinned me down in a library. Advantage bad guy! I lit him up but he was in full kit so he did not feel a thing! He pinged me pretty good. The civilians did not understand why he and I were laughing like a pair of hyenas. He is a good guy, I have been dialing him in on the range as he has just migrated to an optic on his pistol. Clearly I taught him to good!

I still have the scar on the outside edge of my right hand. Figure there was about 2 inches between my hand and the flash suppressor. Took several weeks to get feeling back.