Stop in for a cup of coffee

Also, i ran mine through the gears on jackstands and i can swear in D it's starting in 2nd then shifts to 3rd..... in 1st it goes into first though... i'm afraid to learn the truth when i drive it
hahah i'm to the point that i could drive mine soon and i'm kinda stalling.... sooo much that can go wrong... Even stressing over the fan of all things.. i need a stock steel water pump pulley... this alum one is too thick and barely lets the fan clutch ride on the snout.. which scares me
Yeah.. I've basically replaced an rebuilt everything forward of the center chunk
I remember running side by side with the scamp! Weren’t no parts falling off, she sounded great!
Yea I remember you turning off the freeway in that sweet Cuda and I figured since you had to slow down was the only chance I'd ever have of passing you. Good times for sure.
Anytime anyone is passing through you can count on a hot meal.
Well I just got home from teaching a school security team all week. It was comprised of both regular LEO and school commissioned officers. It was a hoot, during force on force they were in a six man team, I was bad guy. I got five of them but was ambushed by a LEO who shot me point blank in the forehead with training ammo. Hit me just above my head gear, split my forehead like a grape. Bled like a stuck pig! Great day of training! I love my job!
Just the way you wrote that makes me want your job :lol:
Anytime anyone is passing through you can count on a hot meal.

Just the way you wrote that makes me want your job :lol:
One of the officers I zipped up pretty good, but he was still advancing as auditory exclusion was in full play. I had to break him out of it, so I asked him how many times I had to hit him for him to stop? At that point I broke thru his mental fog and he felt the next several rounds. He told me later he never felt anything till I broke his focus. Then he said he felt every one. The mind is very funny in a dynamic critical incident. He had his pistol in high compressed ready but could not seem to extend it and fire. Like shooting fish in a barrel I tell ya.
One of the officers I zipped up pretty good, but he was still advancing as auditory exclusion was in full play. I had to break him out of it, so I asked him how many times I had to hit him for him to stop? At that point I broke thru his mental fog and he felt the next several rounds. He told me later he never felt anything till I broke his focus. Then he said he felt every one. The mind is very funny in a dynamic critical incident. He had his pistol in high compressed ready but could not seem to extend it and fire. Like shooting fish in a barrel I tell ya.
Ever shown studs a Quicksilver clip?

Interesting discussion starter on how experience can slow time

I tripped over something. Had to have it. An old scope from a chrysler dealer. Its rough but cool AF. Doubt it works. Will unload and share tomorrow.
I like feeding people too. Makes me happy..
Good morning everyone. Just got thru the backreading. Nothing new to report, my boy is coming over tonight so that will be nice. Looks like it will be getting up near 90 starting on Sat or Sun for about a week. Yuck