Stop in for a cup of coffee

No rain so no need to cut the grass, but the weeds are thriving and I couldn't take it anymore. Used the weed wacker and pulled a bunch of weeds. Also since it is so dry leaves are falling already..............took are of them with the blower—nothing else but hanging out and watching some YouTube videos for the rest of the day.
My weed bucket from today. I'll hit it again in the morning. That's packed in there.

No rain so no need to cut the grass, but the weeds are thriving and I couldn't take it anymore. Used the weed wacker and pulled a bunch of weeds. Also since it is so dry leaves are falling already..............took are of them with the blower—nothing else but hanging out and watching some YouTube videos for the rest of the day.
Looks like it's going to hit 90° again
Stump is gone! Got rid of the last big chunk. The rest is under the roots of the Trumpet vine, so leaving it. Will knock off a couple high chunks with the sawzall, but my batteries were dead, So, done for the day. Next is lanscape out all the dirt.


Stump is gone! Got rid of the last big chunk. The rest is under the roots of the Trumpet vine, so leaving it. Will knock off a couple high chunks with the sawzall, but my batteries were dead, So, done for the day. Next is lanscape out all the dirt.

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A gardener friend of mine told me once about stump removal for much smaller ones that is. You drill some 1" holes down the stump as deep as the bit will reach and fill them with pool acid. Keep that up for a couple weeks and shortly after stump pulls out of the ground fairly easy.
Nothing like having it so bad you have to puke, and the bowl keeps moving.
Sounds miserable. Like a bad carnival ride. Never barfed but close. I was driving my tool truck down the road and turned to rubber in the drivers seat. I don't know how I was able to collect myself up and pull off to the side.
Sounds miserable. Like a bad carnival ride. Never barfed but close. I was driving my tool truck down the road and turned to rubber in the drivers seat. I don't know how I was able to collect myself up and pull off to the side.
I woke up in the middle of the night holding on to the bed.
I rolled onto the floor and crawled to the bathroom. Took a bit to get there things like the doorway moving and trying to catch the toilet.
Turned out to be an inner ear problem.
I still deal with it from time to time.
Back from looking at that 70 Duster, too far gone. He started it, ran for awhile then died, accelerator pump he said, dunno but didn't matter. Rust areas not mentioned were in places I didn't want to go, A piller at the roof, seam at front edge of rocker, also all the way around the windshield. Wasn't a wasted trip tho, had a ton of parts including a freshly rebuilt 904 and he was working on a 73 Duster, looks like it would go FAST
I woke up in the middle of the night holding on to the bed.
I rolled onto the floor and crawled to the bathroom. Took a bit to get there things like the doorway moving and trying to catch the toilet.
Turned out to be an inner ear problem.
I still deal with it from time to time.
That sounds terrible!
Did you buy anything
No want to look at my 2 904's, just cores basically and also driveshift. He had heads (no X head), entire 360, a 340, accessories. He was originally asking almost 5k for the car, I'm wondering how proud he will be of that rebuilt 904