Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thanks but I don't BookFace

Here's the Duster the seller was working on, never has ran it and is going to take it up to a track up North said it had line lock, nitrous




You were beating on that for awhile, nice work!
Lot of work, but glad its gone. What sucks is I could have completely removed it in under an hour 30 years ago. LOL. Just wasn't priority and was kinda nice tree for a while. Just got bigger and dirtier, and dropping crap on my shed. Had to go...
Lot of work, but glad its gone. What sucks is I could have completely removed it in under an hour 30 years ago. LOL. Just wasn't priority and was kinda nice tree for a while. Just got bigger and dirtier, and dropping crap on my shed. Had to go...
You'll need another monolithic yard task to undertake
It's my favorite time 3:40. Have neighbor kid doing the gutters, just found his second wasp hive, holy crap! I pulled some Bee Bop off of my truck and gave it to him, gets em pretty good
You'll need another monolithic yard task to undertake
"Need"? NO! But I always seem to find them. :eek: There are still 3 small spruce stumps down back I want to either remove or level. And always plenty of other stuff out there I CAN do if I choose... I do have plenty of 'regular' yard work and other things to do though
He's using a vacuum since it's "the little pinecone" fallout, opened up an outdoor covered outlet, inside was full so will be throwing the house breaker for that spray just to be on the safe side.
"Need"? NO! But I always seem to find them. :eek: There are still 3 small spruce stumps down back I want to either remove or level. And always plenty of other stuff out there I CAN do if I choose... I do have plenty of 'regular' yard work and other things to do though
For sure, it will come to you. All that has to happen where I'm at is a windstorm
Exercises, that's surprises me, what jaw stuff, don't know what could help that
I had one, brief occurrence about 21 or 22 years ago. Sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and the world went wild for a split second. I about fell to the floor. It passed, and have never had it happen again. Doc said it was a random floater in my inner ear that tripped it.

Later that day I jumped out of a plane :lol:
I'll never get it all under control, but the method to my madness is attack some of the worse issues now to have less to do out there as I get older.
That's a good plan or you could do what I move, tame it for 3-4 years, sell and move lol!
Exercises, that's surprises me, what jaw stuff, don't know what could help that
Resting on my back slowly turn my head to left then back, then to right and back.if I feel dizzy it's the side I turn to that brings it on. So just do slow repeats and it go's away.
It's little crystals in the ear that get compressed