Stop in for a cup of coffee

Gold contact s
Good morning everyone. Not enough coffee to get this day started....but I am trying
Good morning whatever day it is Saturday I think... Spent the weekend in Kansas City we played two Veterans golf tournaments. I played ok, but Cheryl won both of the women's flights.
Here the next three days temps are 100-103 each day...HOT!! Take care and be safe out there.
I am working a booth at the annual School Superintendent convention in Little Rock this week. It is a bit odd since there seems to be no middle ground for the different schools. One school feels they have an obligation to protect their students and the school right down the street feels that is not their job. We try and fight that mindset with education and training. And I have to rock a hat all day indoors to cover a large scab in the middle of my forehead from a recent training event. Gonna be a long day!
Good morning whatever day it is Saturday I think... Spent the weekend in Kansas City we played two Veterans golf tournaments. I played ok, but Cheryl won both of the women's flights.
Here the next three days temps are 100-103 each day...HOT!! Take care and be safe out there.
Wow, great comeback for her! Tell her congrats. That is outstanding. I bet she is really getting her strength back.
I am working a booth at the annual School Superintendent convention in Little Rock this week. It is a bit odd since there seems to be no middle ground for the different schools. One school feels they have an obligation to protect their students and the school right down the street feels that is not their job. We try and fight that mindset with education and training. And I have to rock a hat all day indoors to cover a large scab in the middle of my forehead from a recent training event. Gonna be a long day!
Just picturing you working this week in a suit and tie...don't forget the dark shades.
Another 82° or hotter day coming up.
Roasted all day yesterday, sitting in the sun doing nothing wore me out. Felt like i hit my knee with a hammer, i blame sitting on the outdoor furniture,aggrivating my bulged disc.
Going to get an early start on the chevy,try and get some wiring done today.
Good Morning All! Couple Ha Ha's in the backread and my first cup, what else could I ask for except not having to go to work : )
That reminds me, i need a preamp for my turntable. New fangled amlifiers dont have phono input.
Yup, mine was built between 62 and 65, like me lol! You probably have a moving magnet cartridge, they output a little more than a moving coil does but still not enough if the equipment does not have a phono stage
Was watching Mercum yesterday they had a car that was listed as "Sublime Green" on a report that provides bidders with some info, guess that wasn't correct for the Plymouth, yes for a Dodge. They explained it was a "Mopar thing" but I don't remember what the Plymouth name was for the color, John?