Stop in for a cup of coffee

I heard that too bad. A buddy said he thought crowd size was down due to the heat. Seems to be that way every year. Be nice to see them do it in May or September once just to see.
They wont. They basically have something going on every other week. Always hot there but this year was way to hot for me. Truck is this weekend and Billy wants me to hang out no way I can it will be will be miserable. Hell its 77 here right now and humid! Whats a nice show is spring and fall. Hershey can be good at times first week in Oct. Now that one is huge!
They wont. They basically have something going on every other week. Always hot there but this year was way to hot for me. Truck is this weekend and Billy wants me to hang out no way I can it will be will be miserable. Hell its 77 here right now and humid!
It's been hot and humid here the last couple weeks over 100 every day with dew points in the mid-70's. Heck a couple days ago the overnight low was 82. I know it's bad when I wake up at 4:30-5:00am and the AC is running...ugh!!
Did nada except some running around did pick up a new 8K ac for the living room. Will put it in this am for sure was just dizzy when I got home again.
80 plus again. This heat should taper off soon. Surveyors showed up to remeasure shed location,that should wrap up this sale of the farmland.
Morning, take off mower deck to clean and sharpen blades, Then a car show late afternoon, 90 degrees and humid. Why do I do this to myself?
I don’t know about now but Cheap Trick is easily one of the best live bands I have ever seen. One of my all time favorite shows. Man they will rock the joint.
i love Bun E on drums.. the guy can swing and is a nice guy.. the band doesn't sound right without him
Think Lexi is finally settling in here. Happy to see u in the am, starting to sleep on the bedroom floor at night and no more leash on the property. Took three months.

Definately a different dog than Harley

three dogs.jpg
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Here you go a good unheard of band. Used to see them alot in NYC and Long Island. Actually, hung with them a night. Oh the days of Sex, drugs and rock and roll!
we have had more rain this summer than i ever remember i'm honestly sick of it.. plus it makes me cut my grass too much
We need more rain. What we have been getting is quick heavy showers. Grass is near dead.
yeah.. **** that. mid 80s and humid and i'm just done...
That's every day
Did nada except some running around did pick up a new 8K ac for the living room. Will put it in this am for sure was just dizzy when I got home again.
I started landscaping my mess yesterday
Morning, take off mower deck to clean and sharpen blades, Then a car show late afternoon, 90 degrees and humid. Why do I do this to myself?
Never bothered this year yet. Still running the dull weedbeater blades from stick mulching season. LOL Really need to order some new blades and belts, but holding off cause I keep finding other stuff I want/need to buy. :rolleyes:
Former stump area status. Gonna use some of the extra dirt to bring up grade in front of shed doors.

Good Morning

