Stop in for a cup of coffee

sooo... i just had to work on a old Millenium computer that's bout 25 years old.. went to a cupboard to pull out a old school keyboard i keep for **** like that.. and found $1500 under it... made me laugh.. i have no idea when i put it there.. coulda been 10 years ago and forgot bout it
I do the same thing with pistols, when we moved I think I found four stashed in various spots I had managed to forget about!
Yeah, owning a business i get paid in cash a lot and never go to the bank cause i have to close for that.. so now and then i find surprise money...

And yeah when my mom died we found 3 guns stashed around the house.... i need my sister to get rid of them.. told her to bring them to me to cut up and throw away but she's sentimental...
I really don't like that body style but that seems like a really good price for that car, not like you will find any survivors anymore...
Good deal you're always making a difference!!
Thanks! Next time you talk to Jodi ask her about stealing a mini van in Texas! They rented a mini van so they could car pool, leaving hotel at 0430 heading in to work the van did not have auto headlights cause we all know the rental Companies only buy the best! So anyway she got pulled for no headlights, routine traffic stop. She thought they automatically come on! So here is a van load of ladies all wearing safety vests at 0430hrs, they got no insurance or registration on the mini van because it is a rental from the airport, they are all from out of State, keep in mind this is a young cop in BFE Texas miles from nearest airport. He thinks they have stolen the van because he cannot get it to pull up on his computer! The ladies are all howling he is dead serious. He finally gets some help and finds the van on his onboard brain! They got a warning ticket. How is it a charming, attractive female, rocking some cleavage just never gets a ticket? I would still be in jail! Hah!

Feel like I'm walking around the house after the party last night and everyone is still passed out.

Morning crew.

1.3 inches of rain last evening. Exceeded the entire rainfall amount for the month of July in one sitting.
71 degrees and 94% humidity out here now.

Stay safe
We did not get a drop! :BangHead::BangHead:
Thunderboomer with about 13.2 seconds of rain. At least its cooler.
Rain is sure needed up north, my son is on a reserve, and ther are on evacuation alert. Fire is 20 miles away heading in their direction slowly.

Had to evict some wasps last night, i think they were drunk or something, they couldnt fly when they were leaving the nests..
amazing fight card tonight including Terrance Crawford who is being considered the greatest boxer of the last 20 years, on par with mayweather Jr.
Finished my Saturday Wally Mart Shopping.
They closed 36 out of 40 self checkouts. Opened 10 cashier checkouts.
I like the Cashier ones.
Finished my Saturday Wally Mart Shopping.
They closed 36 out of 40 self checkouts. Opened 10 cashier checkouts.
I like the Cashier ones.
I go thursday and then saturday to get the **** i forgot on thursday... 6:01AM... self check out and done by 6:20.. no humans around to annoy me :)