Stop in for a cup of coffee

Another foggy morning. Man it's nice. Not common for August. May and June yes...deep marine layer....I'll take it
Found one of the bed mounting holes ripped out a big. Fixed.


Mornin peeps. We be chillin a bit. No 40's here yet. overnight was in 50's. Summer will be right back for a weekend up in the 80s again.
Mornin peeps. We be chillin a bit. No 40's here yet. overnight was in 50's. Summer will be right back for a weekend up in the 80s again.
60 here on the hill this morning, northeast Arkansas will be 10 to 15 degrees below average till Friday, Friday back to 92
I am depressed and crushed. I was mowing at Andy's house. He had his hammock hanging from the clothesline. Not just a common hammock but one he made himself a few years ago. Special ultra lightweight material and all that for mountain backpacking. It was a turd to sew on the machine and took him weeks and hundreds of dollars to complete. I mowed within a few feet of it and when I came back for the second pass (a few feet farther away) the mower deck picked up one of the strings and wrapped it around the blades thoroughly destroying it. I am so sorry and feel so bad. I don't know how I can make it better. Man, I really screwed this up.
Still feeling bad but Andy wasn't too upset. I just found out it was the rain canopy and not the hammock which is better and easier to replace. The material cost just shy of $300 and doesn't include the hardware. (little clips and eyelets that must be made out of titanium of something.)
Got the kitchen cleaned up.

Still feeling bad but Andy wasn't too upset. I just found out it was the rain canopy and not the hammock which is better and easier to replace. The material cost just shy of $300 and doesn't include the hardware. (little clips and eyelets that must be made out of titanium of something.)
Wow, not a good start this morning.
I found a trailer hitch ball bracket for the front of my rider so I can move the trailer easily. I have a hitch in the back but can't access it with the bagger on. I have a weight bracket that it should fit perfectly on.
Same here, I move my small trailer I fill with tomato buckets with a wicking system, so I can move the trailer three times a growing season to keep it in sunny areas, having all these trees around I had to get creative
3 hrs and job is almost done. Top motor mount and wheel. Then i can fillerup. Pretty much a 6 hr job.